Members Resources
Library, Supplies & Pinterest Boards!Resources
Artistic Hand Lettering Cards and Mixed Media maintains an extensive library as a resource for club members who would like to enhance their calligraphy skills, whether a beginner or more experienced. See the Library section for an overview of the range of material that is available.
When members attend a class or a workshop, a list of suggested supplies appropriate for that particular event will be provided. Check out the Supplies section for an overview of the supplies which are available at the club and those which are provided by the individual.

Artistic Hand Lettering Cards and Mixed Media’s library is located in the Pueblo Room and offers a wealth of reference material to assist members in their projects. Each library item has a check-out card to record the borrower’s name and the date on which the item was checked out. When returning an item, the check-in date is entered and the card returned it to the pocket of the item. Members who take a magazine out to read during a workshop are asked to please sign the check-out card, both in and out, so the librarian knows that a magazine has been read.
There are many excellent books, magazines, pamphlets and videos on lettering; books on the different calligraphy hands; material on card making, paper making and other projects. The club’s history books are also housed here. All in all, the library offers a treasure trove of resources, so do take the time to do some browsing!
Members are encouraged to make use of these excellent resources to increase their enjoyment of hand lettering and to enhance their skills and knowledge.

These supply lists offer an overview of the various items that members might use for workshops and projects. These items are simply suggestions rather than mandatory requirements in order to attend a workshop. New members might prefer to attend several workshops before purchasing any of the suggested items.
Click each heading below to expand for more information.
Basic Supplies
When a workshop asks for basic supplies, these items should be enough:
* ink, pen and nibs as required for calligraphy classes,
* scissors,
* adhesive – such as tacky glue or rubber cement,
* ruler – a metal ruler with a cork back is best,
* eraser – white plastice or kneaded,
* paper and pencil for taking notes.
Club Supplies
The following items are owned by the club and are available for use by the members:
* rubber stamps; stamp pads,
* embossing powders; heat guns; paper cutters; mat cutters,
* corner punches; decorative punches,
* decorative edge scissors; corner scissors,
* corrugator.
Specific Supplies
A workshop might require supplies additional to the basics. The specific supplies needed for a particular workshop will be noted on the monthly schedule available at the general meetings and posted on the Events-Calendar page. Examples of items that might be needed or useful include:
* colored pencils; felt tip markers; water colors and brushes; acrylic paint,
* double-sided tape; mounting tape; tacky glue; rubber cement; glue gun,
* stencils; sponges,
* ribbon; glitter; wrapping paper,
* X-acto knife; self-healing cutting mat or old magazine or layers of cardboard.
Paper Supplies
Many of the workshops demonstrate card making so participants will need card stock for those workshops. The club maintains a supply of basic card stock and matching envelopes for purchase; the Membership Handbook includes a list of suppliers where members can purchase their own card stock.
Pinterest Boards
Check out these Calligraphy West “Pinterest” boards.